新パラダイムのグリーンエネルギー技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / Green Energy's New Paradigm.. 新パラダイムの常温核融合などの技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / New Energy.. | Page 8

Quest for “ Free Energy ” 2 : Towards Modern Era

• Same mechanics & side effects were repeated by unrelated inventors , but actual linear progress was often limited to recent Western academia ( LENR , Cavitation ), Also Russia- Soviet had development ( Cavitation , Torsion , Ion heater , Ultrasonic , EM pulse ).

• Boiled down to 10 or so base mechanics ( p148-182 ) with similar tendency : a➢ Often energy is ” triggered in ” by rapid change in pressure-voltage-spin , pulse , plasma-magnetic field , cavitation , transmutation , anomalous electron movement causing / caused by standing wave resonance , or antioxidant prone " field effect ", link to quantum coherence , b➢ Manifest as anomalous cooling / heat , water hammer , vibration coupling , electrical breakdown , spike , surge , implosion , spontaneous corona discharge , ball lightning , vortex , harmonics , similar to Electron Avalanche , Field Emission effect etc , treated as short circuit etc ., c➢ Seemingly influenced by cosmogeophysical factors , but avoided by using extra energy , d➢ " Static Electricity " is more like high voltage , can flow , & useable for industrial electricity , e➢ Mainstream insistence on defending clear flaws in Electromagnetic Induction law

• i . e . not closed system ?; device efficiency fluctuates , by time-location , orientation , altitude etc ; similar to ground-earth battery , In rare cases emotion seems to affect ( Dan Davidson , O Carr , J Keely , Ra Ring , Th Ludwig , Vogel , Seelhofer , R Schild , Adam Trombly +)

• Occasional scientific rift : 1- Mainstream Western scientist & Western Media / NGOs vs 2- Inventor , sidelined & Non-Western scientist ( Russia , China +), Some mainstream scholars in West as exception ( Austria , Italy , France +) 7