新パラダイムのグリーンエネルギー技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / Green Energy's New Paradigm.. 新パラダイムの常温核融合などの技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / New Energy.. | Page 465

ZPE Mind-EM-Scalar 17 Hand Made Crop Circle Helpers? • cont-->> ■1 EM-Scalar wave related mind tech :7 -Crop Circle: • Often done in dark night, some are completed in minutes, mainstream group caught manually making on top of already existing intricate circle or photo doctoring to show as if a person doing it(National Geographic: Hor Drew+), • 100% manually made ones have not demonstrated on most complicated type or in large woven plant patterns, or created on rain soaked muddy soil even with clearly noticeable lighting over night, Also no manual circle claims made on thin ice, • But it is notable manual crop circle makers in England themselves often witness ball lightning, “something else is helping them”, or experience other peculiar effects when they are making one(Mat Williams, Rob Buckle+) - this part is usually ignored by researchers(both non manual crop circle formation promoters and blanket debunkers), • 8-“Frequency tuning + ceremony” or by bio organism sacrifice to influence environment /people: At least small groups of Western elites are known to practise(Br Taylor, Kay Griggs, S Fecht, A Blackwell, S Arrigo+), where 1000s witness “fear is key factor” & at ceremony event some people or ‘something’ really appear to show lizard like feature”. -->>cont: 464 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada