新パラダイムのグリーンエネルギー技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / Green Energy's New Paradigm.. 新パラダイムの常温核融合などの技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / New Energy.. | Page 458

Outrageous Claims: ZPE-Resonance Mind-EM-Scalar 10 “Cattle Mutilation Tech”, Psychic Application etc • —->> cont - ■1 : 5-”ET” or “akhasic” communication: 5f-“Cattle mutilation” or Animal mutilation tech demonstrates anomalous cleancuts of organs & alleged non-contact lifting(C Zukowski, LM Howe, Ga Valdez, Chr O’Brien+), Far less frequent and much more difficult to investigate "human mutilation"(Ri D Hall+), Prv space agency studies prior listed “6a-6e”(Ro Bigelow), Combo of predator animals, covert military/private op, & non terrestrial? • 5g-• In Russia/China etc information gained by various “psychic” methods is relatively openly used for scientific/intelligence research, while two-face Western approach takes far more covert use(Mellen-T Benedict+) hence they insist on publicly ridiculing it, • Same treatment with otherwise unsolvable crime investigations(A Thompson-Smith+), • 5h-• Some “new age” belief practisers attest statistical “indirect passive control” of preferred experiential phenomena(Ger Jackson, Nap Hills+), in relation to “vivid imagination coupled with specific mental-emotional resonance state”. Mind & emotion amplified attention focus(JL Petersen+), some use the term “Law Of Attraction”(Denis Waitley+), some empirical evidence exists but lack of lab experiments, vague data tracking, non uniform protocol used by different 457 researches, -->cont: