新パラダイムのグリーンエネルギー技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / Green Energy's New Paradigm.. 新パラダイムの常温核融合などの技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / New Energy.. | Page 456

ZPE-Resonance Type Mind-EM-Scalar 8 “Abduction” • —->> cont - ■1 : 5-”Communication with “Non Terrestrial” or “akhasic”: 5c- Contactee claims: • Western mainstream’s illusion/insane treatment is reducing along with its statistical ET advanced life confirmation, while Russian senior political figure(KN Ilyumzhinov) claims meeting ETs & president(Medvedev) informally refers to their terrestrial residence, and de facto world leading spaceflight company (Bigelow Aerospace, often mainstream’s slight treatment)’s CEO also seriously say so. Vatican suggests future encounter & blessing(Fr. Jo Funes, Br. G Consolmagno+), claim of large amount of "unclassified" ET involvement documents disclosed on public domain(Wi Tompkins) • 5d-Order(s) of magnitude larger worldwide “abducted” claims to crafts/underground base etc & operated on mainly by small dummy like beings with big black eyes for "hybridization purposes"(K Carlsberg+)(& indication of far more people remain unclaimed), but of which 75% is based on pseudo-scientized hypnotic regression, 90%+ has no craft landing or intrusion evidence or no direct 2 or more people inter-reference(Jo Mack, B&B Hills, D Jacobs, B Hopkins, Le Sprinkle, Ca Turner, Tra Walton, Lau McDonald+), yet overall # of non hypnotic clear memory is not small. There are fair number of accounts of antigravity or something moving through wall observations, 455