新パラダイムのグリーンエネルギー技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / Green Energy's New Paradigm.. 新パラダイムの常温核融合などの技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / New Energy.. | Page 430

Outrageous claims on Tech Influence Lobby 23 • cont : -->>MEDIA STRUCTURE: Russia: : • When some top mentalists go to Russia or out of west, they suddenly change the tone and start commen8ng majority of “magic trick” is based on psychic effect & challenge to debunk at their na8onal prime channel. Also poli8cal par8es par$cularly Liberal Democra$c(ЛДПР - Либерально- демократическая партия России) overall, or even ruling party United Russia's some fac8on(Еди́ ная Росси́ я[B Gryzlov+]) fights the commission: accusing them for poten8al corrup8on. • But there are good indica9ons current ruling sect within United Russia party as well as ministry of internal affairs are suppor9ng(or even possibly co- direc9ng with west: collusion?) the commission’s conduct or "weighing in" op8ons(eg same Russian president one 8me says “create Russia’s own science[ie Eniology], but other 8me says “need to guard against pseudoscience [Eniology]). • Excep8on of psychic treatment by exclusive debunking or even suppression is when target is charisma8c psychic types. Similar in China(debunks robust qigong masters with high popularity or strong poli8cal connec8on), also notable China-US duel na$onality types engage in disrup$ve tech in US 429 academia