新パラダイムのグリーンエネルギー技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / Green Energy's New Paradigm.. 新パラダイムの常温核融合などの技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / New Energy.. | Page 427

Outrageous claims on Tech Influence Lobby 20

• cont-- >> MEDIA STRUCTURE : " committee to combat pseudoscience ": Use of highly exclusive selectivity of scientific data unseen even in most regular western mainstream scientific committees and often declare targeted certain tech not presenting " a single evidence of it can work ”, hence fraud : its recent selectivity level is close to western Quackwatch , CSICOP , “ famous ” 1millon $ challenge , Cold Fusion debunker physicist group : even more selective than Western mainstream media level .

• Small # of opponents call it “ pseudoscientific commission ”, disgrace to RAS etc ( BF Шарков , РГ Кузнецов , АА Рухадзе +). But strangely 80 %+ of mainstream Russian media automatically comply to statement with no criticism or investigative validation , and bulk of RAS member scientists who are aware of this mostly stay quiet . Only a handful of even pro-Russia main media question ( Взгляд , СводнаяПресса , Аргументы и Факты +).

• Either way # 1 purpose seems to be blocking progress of non std science in Russia ( ММ Лаврентьев +), to keep it as same level as west ’ s public consumption science ?, and might benefit by monopolizing funding on western mainstream approved science only etc ( VA Zhigalov , Shipov , МВ Виноградов +), but difference in role compared to Western peers is not to sever mainstream groups connection to “ pseudoscience tech ”, but to criticize government , senior politician , military or major corporation for already using / promoting such technologies by literally ignoring all effectiveness evidence : examples ( continue to next page ): 426