新パラダイムのグリーンエネルギー技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / Green Energy's New Paradigm.. 新パラダイムの常温核融合などの技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / New Energy.. | Page 424

Outrageous claims on Energy Tech Influence Lobby 17

• cont —>> Whistleblow docs indicate : Recent mainstream popular singer & his remarks ( Tom Delonge : Blink182 ) are backed up by several top ex-executives of US intel / defense related contractors-agencies ( quit job just before joining TTSA - part of controlled " disclosure " attempt ?) & influencers for basically the same claim ( To The Stars Academy ( TTSA ): J Semivan , S Justice , C Mellon , Puthoff , Jo Podesta +): these and other sometimes inter-staffed quasi mainstream type officialization of unlimited energy tech means elite groups ' tendency of branching out ? or would they spin this as threat to humanity for star wars build up ?

• ■ Through non-straight forward manner , these rare types of claims during 1990s- 2008 time frame , including alleged intentional financial & war related mishandling with later no prosecution but seeming promotion , are quietly yet increasingly coming out via some Western alternative media or mainstream non-western in various forms . They often seem to connect to many different group strains-agenda & partial disinfo that complicates data identification , but data base is large enough & still often inter-referenceable in their main content ( D Liszt , To Todd , J Church , J Rense , Hen Palmgren , Fabregas , Se Stone , Da Whitehead , Bi Ryan , Jo Conrad , V Eastwood , D & J Hagmann , Richie Allen +),

• MEDIA STRUCTURE : There is occasional SCIENCE GAP between " A " & " B " types , A-Typical main Western media , Gov ’ t , academia & some 3rd world prv media -vs- B- ” Pseudoscience ” claim positively reporting types often in non Western prv media , Gov ’ t , academia ; egreporting LENR validity —>> continue