新パラダイムのグリーンエネルギー技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / Green Energy's New Paradigm.. 新パラダイムの常温核融合などの技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / New Energy.. | Page 419

Outrageous claims on Tech Influence Lobby 12 • -->> cont: Elite structure & EVIL THEORY: ■ IMF/WB decides $loan/aid condition for poor nations to use only Western science accepted academia/corporate help for Technology, Engineering, R&D(J Perkins+). • But more importantly, mega investors & funds need to diversity: So using the main media they can influence to promote new super low Capex-Opex/super high ROA- ROI process superiority or investing in techs that compromise operations they heavily invested in(most existing companies rely on conventional energy/tech to be profitable) is self destructive & non sensical. Hence supporting suppression of or ignoring super low cost tech can be natural, sound, moral, & acceptable business model. • Also when closely observe modern western world, there is a strong trend of socially/financially successful people demonstrate improved contribution for common good in many aspects, yet suddenly they tend to significantly lower their moral- integrity stance when it comes to "how to get ahead" area : "Cheating Culture"(Da Callahan+) • ■ Despite this background, free energy tech related drastic disclosure desire has been existing among Western establishment(Laurance Rockefeller, Cla Pell, Jo Podesta, Na Maynard, W Colby, Ji Carter, Some European Royalties & Gov’ts[Pie Morin+], Vatican[Co Balducci+] +) while they are blocked by vocal opposition? Still these quiet open system promotors/sympathizer have been growing in influence with generation change? 418