新パラダイムのグリーンエネルギー技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / Green Energy's New Paradigm.. 新パラダイムの常温核融合などの技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / New Energy.. | Page 394

Disclosure Impact - Review of Other Dubious Claims?: 7 Denial of Catastrophic Global Warming By Manmade CO2 • —>> cont , Shortage & Crisis Idea : ■ “Only Man made CO2 causes catastrophic global warming”: -Allegations persistent contrails: Morgellons • If some spraying is widely taking place solely/mainly for Morgellon purpose, wide variance of aerosol chemical depends on flight or region doesn’t make sense. And airborne detection of disease polymer doesn’t guarantee it comes from daytime aerosols spray either(can be leakage from factory, soil/plant, drones at night etc). Portions of symptom is coming from varied virus and other more non organic polymers? Mutation of Lyme? Synergy with other chemicals/materials available? etc. • Also this research finds correlation to other geopolitical/scientific status events: there might be an element in research groups to stop claims at "1 st step level diverging" from mainstream narrative, while debunking less believable further "2 nd step level" physical effect(insist on virus based cause of symptom while debunk/ridicule nanobots element to gain mainstream credibility faster or somehow manage to keep academic/medical job, and possibly not to alienate intel/military type black ops etc). • Unclassified info shows almost half a billion needles of 1cm+ long copper dispersed to generate ionosphere in 1960s(Project WestFord) etc. Currently there seems to be no evidence to firmly attribute ALL Morgellons to persistent contrail. >>cont 393