新パラダイムのグリーンエネルギー技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / Green Energy's New Paradigm.. 新パラダイムの常温核融合などの技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / New Energy.. | Page 340

What Are Harmonious Free Energy Intro Scenarios? 5 • —>cont -If tech coexistence model is used for LENR, it would be like... J- When finally several mainstream institutions start accepting tech validity, others in mainstream would use another favorite: it is a tech with “ ”, and widely labeled such(as adjective) by main media/NGO/gov't, K- End result: majority stays with conventional energy for extra 10+yrs, Large corporate would install LENR but not involving executives officially, instead floor level people(or make it completely unofficial: employee non disclosure agreement or even "national security" label might kick in). L- Then gradually shift western social engineering mode from model to : i.e. transition to co-thriving mode. • But this model might fail; Europe might rebels(eg AIIB+), Russia/China/BRICS might have different preference on "reality projection"(BRICS Bank, GMO ban, UGRG, Space+), There are too many official mainstream scientist witnesses. Also Energy, unlike medical tech, is too instantly obvious not to notice effects etc. - Free energy use at remote mines/marine/military/space(e.g. Boeing: Mike Gamble), -Media should endorse 3-15% power save on Car/Residential Power Factor Correction for Active Power(MP-R fuel, Kvar.com, EnergyMizer Residential +)(: actual decreased use of electricity, not just Reactive power saving only by decreased supply side waste electricity with conventional PFC device), also water emulsion/HHO additive use at gov't grant level, -Sell disruptive proprietary tech as “slightly efficient”(Bloom, Enstroj, Keppe+), -Commercialize mainstream accepted 24hr Solar Infrared Harvesting. If too disruptive, allow only residential 339 use but permit unlimited net metering(power trade-in for future use).