新パラダイムのグリーンエネルギー技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / Green Energy's New Paradigm.. 新パラダイムの常温核融合などの技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / New Energy.. | Page 338

What Are Harmonious Free Energy Intro Scenarios? 3 • —>cont -If tech coexistence model is used for LENR, it would be... B- Mainstream media(often PR firm used) news documentary pattern - Positively bring sensational news for first "free energy" on first 1/4, - Bring mostly debunking “testimony from experts with evidence”, -Highlight rather rare shady claim cases as if that is typical case of the tech, -Conclude it is fraud, yet they are still allowed to practice criminal activities, & appeal to mass this needs to be prosecuted. OR mainstream documentary to hold back from reporting new info: no debuking, just keeping away focus from people. • C- MainstreamBlog/Media/Celebrity/Utility/NGO/TED/Wikipedia /Reader’s Digest/Forum/Gov’t quote mostly failure results & declare: “◙Warning: LENR fraud, ◙There's no valid science base, ◙ Pathological science, ◙ If it really worked, it’s already been used”. OR they would pretend debunking consensus info in the past as current truth, and won't allow update as long as possible, due to difficulty in debunking. • D- Internet: old info packed “Cold Fusion junk science” web sites to show up on search engine. Or western medical industry’s std practise suppression on manufactures is still remotely possible when official commercialization starts from other than Ecat: • They are banned from quoting scientific validation/testimonials or from other web sites, or even simply to state the device purpose as energy production, (J Holman & P Dorneanu+), ”. Operations don't comply would be legally raided & shut down. As a result makers offer as unclear purpose of “Research only intended device”. 337 Another possible simulation is example of Military Dowsing device(p255). >>cont: