新パラダイムのグリーンエネルギー技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / Green Energy's New Paradigm.. 新パラダイムの常温核融合などの技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / New Energy.. | Page 289

"Copy & Paste" 3: Water only Medicine • -->>cont: Torsion Field Use of Copying/Imprinting: D-Water only medicine: Homeopathy's multiple Pseudoscientific Mechanism: • These issues are likely too great to overcome short term even ignoring other geopolitically negative factors(from mainstream perspective) like its peer reviewed top performers' disruptive effectiveness in serious chronic disease and low cost, & low tech unexclusivity(unpatentable), fast production & great results without side effect(no new disease) on vaccine use(another very profitable and mainstream admitted military intel linked element): • 1-Diagnosis of symptom requires not just current disease, but "unrelated things" like how patient feels about relationships, job, family, diet, past trauma, and current emotional state & life challenges, then decide what remedy combo to use, 2-Remedy is basically only herbs/mineral/animal extraction to works as cure for disease, 3-Patients take the herb, by a manner of its chemical /nutrient /medicine transferred to water, but it's done so without any of original herb matter/essence in it. 4-In order to produce this pseudo-scientific "magic water" with nothing else in it, all you need to do is to first shake water with herb content, then continue shaking & diluting with more water till there is no original herb content in it, in order to have best effects.. -->>cont: 288 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada