新パラダイムのグリーンエネルギー技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / Green Energy's New Paradigm.. 新パラダイムの常温核融合などの技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / New Energy.. | Page 285

Bio 43: Technology Mainstream Status/Use • ->>cont: Field generated by thoughts & human body: ■ε Biofield technology mainstream status: ■ε BioEnergetic Field technology mainstream status. Most of Western Europe, US/Canada, Australia/NZ, its status is officially pseudoscience yet significant activities & research continue even at part of mainstream academics. • Soviet/Russia officially recruited & trained psychically talented people since 1920s(Interior Ministry(НКВД/ОГПУ[АВ Барченко, ЛЛ Васильев, ГИ Бокий+]), Even now Senior officials including Internal Affairs, military, and intel, claim all key nations(and some large corporate, NGO etc) are covertly operating “psychic” program run by mainstream type high level academic in charge(БТ Литуненко, ВИ Сафонов, АГ Спиридонов, АС Бузинов, АГ Спиркин, АВ Коржаков[ИД Фомин], Юрий Малинин +): this includes effects similar to some dramatic ones(far beyond confirmed by official lab or experimental reports) demonstrated by mentalists or martial artists, and program is sometimes synergized with electronic based torsion field/psychotronic technology for effect amplification. • In Soviet/Russia before yr 2000 it reached the point daily prime time nation wide major TV network’s remote healing 15mins session(including claims of charging water/cream etc[from both healer and audience] when placed them in front of TV) provided in 1990s with millions claiming positive results and request for continuation but the Commission for Combating Pseudoscience in RAS(p425-429) & some of media(backed up by west) criticized government for allowing it and subsequently banned. -->> cont: 284