新パラダイムのグリーンエネルギー技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / Green Energy's New Paradigm.. 新パラダイムの常温核融合などの技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / New Energy.. | Page 213

Scalar "Wave" 4: Cold Electricity - NonThermoDynamic? • —>>cont. SCALAR wave 8.”Zero EM field”, Standing Wave: Re: Scalar wave- Note there is no wave propagation in "Scalar" definition, but term "scalar" is used to express spread of energy /"energy info" possibly even at Zero EM field type condition: • Examples of allegedly this wave coupling linked anomaly: also related to “overunity”, vacuum etc. in following: 1-5, and 6(A-E): . link(R Stiffler+)(p148-153), . Can send or extract electricity wirelessly, sometimes oscilloscope undetected when done with resonance coupling(Tesla, S Jackson, Ha Muller+), Similar Resonance based Single Wire Power Transmission by unclosed circuit(Russian Institute for Electrification of Agriculture/Всероссийский институт электрификации сельского хозяйства - виэсх, University Dubna/ Университет «Дубна» и «ЛайвНет» +), Same mechanics can be used for wireless power transfer or single wire of including generally non conductive medium: laser/wood/water etc(DS Strebkov, AI Nekrasov, VS Abramenko/ ДС Стребков, АИ Некрасов, ВС Авраменко+), • Its open circuit remains cold and at least an order of magnitude larger power transfer per wire is possible in semi superconducting manner, system building & maintenance cost is much lower than conventional method, particularly if low cost nanocarbon fibre is used for power transmission(possibly provided by likes of: VI Petrik, Rosnano, CurTran+). -->>cont 212