新パラダイムのグリーンエネルギー技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / Green Energy's New Paradigm.. 新パラダイムの常温核融合などの技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / New Energy.. | Page 199

Thoughts of & “Dissident” Scientists - “Far-Out” Torsion Field / Scalar Wave 2: Theory • ->>cont: closed System: • Torsion theory appeared in 1910s(Cartan), formal experiments & application started in 1960s Soviet(Kozyrev+), in modern era ECE theory covers(Myr Evans), Yet 1900s notably in France similar non-locality, biofield/spinfield(ie “angular momentum field”: “free energy field”), & mind effect creation was observed(Luys, Baraduc, Tesla, Radiguet, Ch Ross, Blondlot+), At that time, these effects were explained as related mechanics as dowsing(Bovis, Simoneton, Kervran, Franklin & Maby+), • There have been various mental effect from mesmerism times before 1800s, but in Soviet block science, heterodyning of certain multiple electromagnetic waves was officially found to cause some mood & body function change since in 1930s (БГ Михайловский+). In 1950s UK/US remote non-local radionics was mainstream accepted in same way. Then appears to be retroactively pseudoscientized along with gravity technology etc later in the decade. Historically most Torsion-Scalar inventions were made via “try & success” result, not pursued based on theory(only after 1980s in Soviet/Russia-Ukraine): can be called Torsion physics/Hyperdimensional Physics. But from 1980s significant funds were allocated as mainstream Soviet research, experiment, & development for military, intelligence, medical, industrial process etc including theoretical 198 areas with own specialists(В.И Лунев+)