新パラダイムのグリーンエネルギー技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / Green Energy's New Paradigm.. 新パラダイムの常温核融合などの技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / New Energy.. | Page 169

'sFree Energy Compressed Air/Vortex Air & Water 3: COP Interpretation Controversy • —>>continued- -Compress air-Hydrodynamic Cavitation: • ■ COP ISSUE(Coefficient of Performance, 1:1 is unity = “100% efficiency”): But when efficiency is measured based on affected area(eg COP on Flash Evaporation Cooling), commonly sold air conditioning-fridge-heat pump efficiency goes COP>3(300%) as “official common sense”, some 6 to 8: This area seems highly fudged under a disguise of "ambient energy" and energy generation link seems to be avoided by mainstream, while electric power based mainstream group produced MAGNETOCALORIC refrigerator(Cooltech Applications+) might have same level of overunity efficiency, • Also note there has been a same tech refrigerator commercial ready announcement by mainstream Japanese companies since 2006 but will they be finally allowed to put it on market?- Toshiba, Chubu Electric[COP 4+]+). All of these effects seem to be fudged to justify Thermodynamic 2nd law(or its interpretation)with selectively applied incoherent logic: this category techs seem to include conversion of this overunity into continuous mechanical motion. 168 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada