志异 Draft by Drama box July 2014 (english) | Page 60

channel 180712 I am currently on the Trenitalia, a train that takes us across states in Italy. The train travels at 163 km/h. That is fast, like how time passes. At the ticket counter, I repeat the exact instructions given to me by the ticket master on how to validate a ticket. He says I should be a tour guide, I smile and disagree in my head. Florence is pretty. It is the kind of pretty that puts you at ease. I thought the only amazing thing was climbing the Duomo, because it felt like an accomplishment. As I was climbing the Duomo, I was only thinking about the amazing view on top. Needless to say, I wasn’t disappointed. I thought it was worth the 10 euros and the tiring climb in a dress. Perhaps happiness is something you have to work hard for, or is it something to distract so that you continue to work? channel 151112 I am back in Singapore at Starbucks. Opposite me sits a man and a woman. I would call them a couple. The woman grazes the insides of her calf, leaning into the man’s words. He drifts off into the words of his phone. As she desperately tries to latch on to him with her attentive eyes, he falls deeper into the entrapment of his phone. One, two, three, and she has lost an inch of hope. I wonder what shapes the sadness and emptiness of his eyes. Perhaps it is boredom. I hope it is not, becaus H[