志异 Draft by Drama box July 2014 (english) | Page 53

the solution is not about finding someone to take the rap but to recognise that there are some problems in the route to democratisation. This route has narrowly focused the discourse on ‘anti-authoritarianism’ and ‘breaking free’ and has thus taken the Taiwanese on an ‘us versus them’ shortcut. This has in turn led to the rise of identity politics, ethnicism and even quasifascism, which causes any discourse that takes into account the overall situation and the future to be severely stifled. But how can one consider a certain aspect without considering the overall th situation? And how is one who has no long-term consideration able to seize the moment? We can only face the consequences of our own deeds now that the chickens have come home to roost. e olenc e i The vd by th easheachineryt unl e m h stat e 24 mig us on thhaps have the per onsider of rec system e t e wholnation-sta er p a e deeions h and t plicat as Since ethnicism (which defines im tatus who are ‘insiders’) and ts s adigm resistance against China and of i par the owledge, ‘Chineseness’ form the core d ‘spirit’ of this movement, n for k rality an s. and the ‘services trade mo politic pact’ is but a metaphor for this in a sense (after all, who cares about Taiwan-New Zealand, Taiwan-Singapore or even the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreements?), then in the current atmosphere, the only solution to the present problem is for the ruling Kuomintang party to step down and for the Democratic Progressive Party to take over. When that day comes, perhaps the island’s people will have a clear-headed view of their desires and emotions, as well as the price that 53