志异 Draft by Drama box december 2013 (english) | Page 56

phase 1 dr af t vo l 2 is su e 2 m e m o r y x s p ac e t h ea t r e a -b-c 56 CHATTING – WHERE PERSONAL SPAC MEETS SOCIAL SPACE – the only single male in the group was especially elusive when asked about his youth. he answered that he was having fun in many places. – This is the ?rst phase where the seniors in the project are gathered together with the students and me to chat. Typically, the chat sessions, held in small groups of four to ?ve, began with general open-ended questions. The seniors contributed what they felt was relevant to the question. The sharing was then met with more questions from the group and the process continued. Memories which had laid dormant in the mind were triggered by listening to the memories of others. As the memories shift from a personal to a social space, what one is willing to share is dependent on many factors, for example, one’s perception of the social situation, his worldview and his perception of what could happen after the memory is shared. There were three different groups of people in the project: the elderly, the students and me. Amongst the seniors, there was also differentiation in te and life experience the ‘leader’ of the 64-year-old male. married, a grandfa comfortably retired physically active a much to work in th the Singapore nar considered the ‘po citizen. If one adds seniors to the spac against the accept narrative, they wou different positions. The students also s space and the sen presence of the yo While the seniors r interest and curios students displayed if they had ever he because they did n a sense of authorit younger crowd. To equation, I was the age between the s