志异 Draft by Drama box december 2013 (english) | Page 52

52 t h ea t r e a -b-c m e m o r y x s p ac e dr af t vo l 2 is su e 2 messy spaces of the real, imagined shared and performed Henri Lefebvre views space as a social product, or a complex social construction based on values and the social production of meanings1. Actual or absolute space, as we know it, is a representation of the relationships of those living in it. Lefebrve also likens the production of space to a spatial triad, that of the perceived, the conceived and the lived. I would like to frame my discussion of the different spaces in the projects with the above notion of space. In many ways, what we remember is closely tied to how we view our experiences. Our perception of our experiences is, in turn, cross-referenced with our world view — a social construct. Although I will discuss different spaces in turn, it is necessary to imagine the spaces to be interacting with each other organically. And as memories ?ow from one space to another, the movement is sometimes disorganised and messy and as such, intriguing. mind as space The brain is a com Typically, what we our senses is trans brain and subsequ and stored. When certain triggers aft encoded informat memories. Withou biological concept it suffices here to s divided into differe responsible for cer Because of the ma external stimuli we each moment, onl experiences are en encoding of these depends entirely o perspectives on th information stored then likely to be di