志异 Draft by Drama box december 2013 (english) | Page 11

My family has known our neighbours for more than two decades. I never knew the uncle's name though; I would simply call him ‘Uncle’. Uncle was actually not very old, and was an extremely pleasant man to chat with. As I grew up, we found each other to be rather congenial. I did not see him very often, but whenever I did, the conversation was cordial. As years went by, Uncle's health started deteriorating. At one point he was reduced to a thin figure after a few surgical operations. It was a painful sight for all of us. Nevertheless, I was always impressed by his positive outlook on life. When I was young, I looked to him as my elder; when I could finally appreciate him as a friend, he passed away suddenly from cancer. In the days following Uncle's demise, I felt this immense void in the air; it was as though a piece of jigsaw was missing from the puzzle. It was only then that I realised that the human body actually leaves its mark on the physical world — say a large white pillar in your room vanishes one fine morning, in the next few days you are likely not to step into the spot where the pillar used to be. I also learnt about the impossibility of separating memory from space. Today, we have the physical space to remember and be remin ???????U??????????????????????)??????????????????U????????????????????????????)????????????????????????????????????????)?????????????????????????????????????????????)???????????????????????????????=????????????)???????????????????????????????????????????)??????????????????????????????????????????????????)$????????????P????????????????????????????)??????????????????????????????????????????)????????????((