ሕብረ፥ቅላጼ / SIDE Harmony 2014 | Page 64

“It occurred to me by intuition, and music was the driving force behind that intuition. My discovery was the rest of musical perception.” - Albert Einstein on his Theory of Relativity The Purpose of Life (Quintessence) LIFE is a manifold complex process of nature evoking the godly nature of AllどBeing どcreativityど , to revitalize the Hどuman, Uどniversal and Mどankind's Aどesthetic Nどature (H U MA N), with the ultimate purpose of creating the Harmonious Human Being through generations /1). The quintessence of This Life lies on I. The social plane II. The cultural plane III. The Material plane IV. The Spiritual plane The interfaces at the transcendental edge are V. The Human plane (emerging out of these four planes) and VI. The Absolute plane (embedded interaction with all the planes) (Planes: “the conjunctive syntheses”/2) There are eight Dimensions making the Backbone of these Planes (Dimensions: “the connective syntheses”/2) 1. The State & Laws 5. Mankind & Conscience 2. Community & Ethics 6. Nature & Religion 3. Family & Love 7. The Universe & Faith 4. The Human Being & Hope 8. God, The Absolute & Deliverance There are manifold crossどsections between these dimensions interどcausing reciprocal inspiring interactions. (Crossどsections: reflective syntheses) These Dimensions have their corresponding Axes (Strange Attractors of Meaning, SAM)/1; (Axes: “the disjunctive Syntheses” /2): 1. Humanity (h ) 5. Mass (m ) 2. I