ሕብረ፥ቅላጼ / SIDE Harmony 2014 | Page 41

2. The community Sectors of the community 2.1 Education / profession 2.2 Production / business 2.3 Distribution / market, social 3. The family Sectors of the family 3.1 Intelligence / the individual 3.2 Activity / labour 3.3 Necessity / income 4. The Human being/ the individual belonging to the human plane II. The Cultural Plane Sections of the cultural plane: 1. Laws Sectors of laws 1.1 Human and basic rights 1.2 Civil laws 1.3 Penal laws 2. Ethics Sectors of ethics 2.1 Historical based ethical norms 2.2 Cultural based ethical norms 2.3 Traditional based norms 3. Love / human solidarity Sectors of love & solidarity 3.1 Spiritual based love and solidarity 3.2 Cultural based love and solidarity 3.3 Biological love / sex and reproduction 4. HOPE / belonging to the Human plane 31