ሕብረ፥ቅላጼ / SIDE Harmony 2014 | Page 16

CONTENTS The Purpose of Life- Background- 9 Light-Dasein Model 13 Today – Tomorrow (Verse) 14 The Hypothesis for Social Reality Higher Objectives - I. Peace for the social plane - II. Culture/ High culture for the cultural plane - III. Perfection/Prosperity for the material plane - IV. Faith for the spiritual plane Harmony (Verse) 15 18 18 19 19 20 22 The Purpose of Life (Quintessence) 23 Visualizing The Interrelations within the Harmony Model -The Harmony Model (all inclusive) -The Social Plane -The Cultural Plane -The Material Plane -The Spiritual Plane 25 26 27 28 29 30 The Harmony of Life (Star Model) Legends and Explanation -Structural Table -The Social Plane -The Cultural Plane -The Material Plane -The Spiritual Plane -Relations and Reflections 31 32 32 32 33 34 34 35 Axes, Scales & Higher-Objectives The Nucleus - Science and Creation 36 38 As Above, so Below Side (Model) 41 43 Harmony (Model) “Evolving Collective Intelligence” SIDE The Divine Proportion Planetary Archetypes and Meanings SunFlower The Golden Mean 44 45 46 47 48 52 53 6