எழுச்சியில் பிறந்த இளந்தீ - "EZHUCHIYIL PIRANDHA ILANTHEE" NUSTLS Annual Magazine 2009 | Page 8

NUS Tami l Language Soci ety' s ( NUSTLS) º¢ í¸ôâ÷ò §¾º¢  Àø¸¨Äì¸Æ¸ò ¾Á¢ úô attempt i n reachi ng out to the §ÀèŠþó¾¢ Â ºã¸ò¾¢ ÖûÇ « ¨ÉòÐ communi ty i s further mani fested i n ž¢ ÉÕìÌõ ¯¾Å §Åñ Îõ ±ýÚ i ts efforts to provi de i nterest- free ¿õÒ¸¢ ýÈÐ ±ýÀ¾¢ ø ±ûÇÇ×õ loans through the NUSTLS Trust Fund to needy Indi an undergraduates ³ÂÁ¢ ø¨Ä. ź¾¢ ̨Èó¾ NUS þó¾¢ Â who are currently pursui ng degree Á¡½ Å÷¸û ¾í¸û ÀÊô¨À §Áý§ÁÖõ courses i n the Nati onal Uni versi ty º£ á¸ò ¦¾¡¼Ã, ¾Á¢ úô §À芸øÅ¢ of Si ngapore. Si nce i ts i ni ti ati on i n ¿¢ ¾¢ ¾Ţ ò ¾¢ ð¼õ ´ý¨È 1999- õ «ñ Î 1999, NUSTLS Trust Fund, ¦¾¡¼í¸¢ ÂÐ. þÐŨà $2000 ÅðÊ¢ øÄ¡ admi ni stered by Si ngapore Indi an Educati on Trust ( SIET) , has ¸¼ý ¯¾Å¢ ¦ÀüÈ ÀòÐìÌõ §ÁüÀð¼ supported more than 10 needy Indi an Á¡ ½ Å÷¸Ù ìÌ þò¾¢ ð¼õ §ÀվŢ ¡¸ undergraduates. þÕóÐ ÅóÐûÇÐ. $30, 000 ¦ÅûÇ¢ Ӿġ¸î ¦¸¡ñ Î ¦¾¡¼í¸¢  The i nterest free loan of $2000 has þò¾¢ ð¼ò¾¢ ü¸¡É ¿¢ ¾¢ §º¸Ã¢ ôÒ " ºí§¸ surely made a di fference to these undergraduates' terti ary educati on. ÓÆíÌ" ¿¢̧ú ¢ ý ãÄõ¾¡ý ±ýÀÐ It i s notable that repleni shi ng the ÌÈ¢ À¢ ¼ò¾ì¸Ð. the trust fund i s hi ghly faci li tated through the proceeds that the soci ety recei ves from i ts bi enni al producti on, Sangae Muzhangu. Àø¸¨Ä¸Æ¸ô À¼ôÀ¢ ÊôÒì¸¡É ¦ºÄ×ò¦¾¡¨¸ ¯Â÷óÐ ¦¸¡ñ Î §À¡Ìõ þ측Ä측ð¼ò¾¢ ø ±í¸Ç¡ø þÂýÈÅ¨È Wi th the cost of educati on ri si ng ÀÄ ¯¾Å¢̧¨Ç ¦ºöÐ ¦¸¡ñ Î over the years, NUS Tami l Language ÅÕ¸¢ §È¡õ. « ÅüÚû þó¿¢ ¾¢ ԾŢ ò Soci ety hopes to allevi ate these ð¼Óõ ´ýÚ. ¿¡¨Ç ¾¨ÄӨȢ ɨà costs, to a small extent, by provi di ng ¾¢ these i nterest- free loans to needy ¿øÄ ¸øÅ¢ ò¾¢ ÈÛ¼ý ÅÇ÷ì¸ ¾Á¢ úô Indi an undergraduates so that they §Àà ¨Å ¦ºöÐ ÅÕõ þò¦¾¡ñ Î may experi ence a smoother j ourney ¯Ú¾¢ ¡¸ ÀýÁ¼íÌ ÅÇÕõ. i n thei r varsi ty experi ence. Thi s i ni ti ati ve allows the soci ety to hold steadfast i ts obj ecti ve of reachi ng out to all borders of the communi ty. NUS Tami l Language Soci ety si ncerely hopes to conti nue thi s small gesture i n the years to come i n order to help as many Indi an undergraduates as possi ble.