எழுச்சியில் பிறந்த இளந்தீ - "EZHUCHIYIL PIRANDHA ILANTHEE" NUSTLS Annual Magazine 2009 | Page 7

NUS TLS has always been a great asset and a source of i nspi rati on for the Tami l Youths i n NUS. TLS has been conti nuously taki ng great efforts i n bri ngi ng about awareness and appreci ati on of the Tami l Language to the undergraduates through her wi de range of acti vi ti es whi ch are di verse i n nature. Sangae Muzhangu 2009, thei r bi enni al Tami l Musi cal producti on, has taken i ts turn agai n! Months of hardwork towards a worthy cause-to rai se funds for the NUSTLS Trust Funds, unfolds today. on behalf of our 26th Executi ve commi ttee, we would li ke to express our si ncere appreci ati on to the TLS & Sangae team for goi ng through thi ck and thi n, beati ng the odds to present us wi th thei r masterpi ece today. Susantharan Presi dent W e would li ke to congratulate TLS’ s 30th EXCO NUS Hi ndu Soci ety for thei r servi ce towards Tami l. W e would 26th Executi ve also li ke to extend our si ncere grati tude to Commi ttee her members for supporti ng us i n our acti vi ti es. NUS HS wi shes everyone i n NUS TLS “ ALL THE BEST” for your success agai n thi s year. Keep the Youth-Fi re Burni ng Guys! On behalf of the 42nd Executi ve Commi ttee of NUS Indi an Cultural Soci ety, i t gi ves me great honour to congratulate the 30th Executi ve Commi ttee of NUS Tami l Language Soci ety on once agai n successfully bri ngi ng to stage Sangae Muzhangu. Sangae Muzhangu i s by no means a si mple producti on or j ust a myri ad of dances and songs. The amount of effort put i nto Sangae Muzhangu wi ll be evi dent toni ght and I would li ke to congratulate Presi dent Murali and hi s enti re commi ttee for thei r effort i n spearheadi ng thi s proj ect. On behalf of NUS Indi an Cultural Soci ety, I would once agai n li ke to congratulate both the NUS Tami l Language Soci ety as well as all parti ci pants of Sangae Muzhangu 2009 for thei r effort and the di splay of bri lli ance that we are about to wi tness onstage. As a si ster soci ety, we are glad to be a part of your success and hope to constantly ai d i n your stri ve for excellence. Best wi shes and God Bless. Aarthi Sankar Presi dent NUS Indi an Cultural Soci ety 42nd Executi ve Commi ttee