Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2016_v.10_#4 | Page 84

Стр. 133–142 КЛЕТНОВА Любовь Сергеевна Liubov S. KLETNOVA Irkutsk State University (Irkutsk, Russia); Senior teacher; e-mail: [email protected] THE DEVELOPMENT OF INCOMING TOURISM IN BAIKAL REGION IN 1980–2000-ies (the case of regional branches of “Intourist”) Keywords: inbo und tourism, Baikal region, Irkutsk Region, The Republic of Buryatia, “Intourist” Among the international tourist companies the tour operator «Intourist» is justly considered one of the biggest and the most reliable Russian companies, considerably experienced in tourism. Being a former state monopoly and flagship of Russian tourism industry, the company awakes unquestionable interest. The article provides a retrospective analysis of formation and development of inbound tourism in Baikal region and investigates the role of «Intourist» in this. Dynamics of the inbound tourist flows in Baikal region is defined. Regional infrastructure and quality of service of foreign tourists are described. Such specifications as hotel classification, total capacity, occupancy rate, standardization of hotels for foreign tourists are analyzed. Specific features of the tourist routs, developed by the local branches of the All-Soviet Union join-stock company «Intourist» in Baikal region, are examined. Efforts by LLC «Intourist» to promote local travel product in the domestic market are specified. References 1. Arkhipova, E.P. (2008). Nekotorye aspekty razvitija sovetskogo vyezdnogo turizma v 1980–1991 gg. (na primere turisticheskogo obmena s kapitalisticheskimi stranami) [Some Aspects of Outbound Tourism in USSR in 1980–1991 (on tourism exchange with capitalist countries)]. Sovremennye problemy servisa i turizma [Service and Tourism: Current Challenges], 2(1), 36–43. (In Russ.). 2. Bagdasaryan, V.E., Orlov, I.B., Shnaydgen, J.J., Fedulin, A.A., & Mazin, K.A. (2011). Sovetskoe zazerkal’e. Inostrannyj turizm v SSSR v 1930–1980-e gody [Soviet Union behind the mirror. Foreign tourism in USSR in 1930–1980]. Moscow, FORUM. (In Russ.). 3. Berezhnyh, V. (1984). Problema ili treking? [The problem or tracking?]. Tourist, (4). (In Russ.). 4. Evstropeva, O.V. (2009). Transgranichnyj turizm v sopredel’nyh regionah Rossii i Mongolii [Trans-border tourism in the neighboring regions of Russia and Mongolia]. Irkutsk, Publ. House of the Sochava Institute of Geography RAS. (In Russ.). 5. Kalenyh, A. (2011). Privlekli v partnery “Inturist” [They have engaged “Intourist” as partner]. Mir Bajkala [World of Baikal], 2(30), 4. (In Russ.). 6. Kressova, M.D. (2004). “Inturist” v 1929–1939 gg.: struktura, kadry, napravlenija dejatel’nosti [“Intourist” in 1929– 1939-ies: The structure, personnel, areas of activity]: Candidate of History thesis. Moscow. 7. Orlov, I.B. (2013). Первые шаги выездного туризма в СССР (1955–1964) [Soviet outbound tourism breaking new ground (1955–1964)]. Service plus, 7(4), 67–79. doi: 10.12737/1699. (In Russ.). 8. Cyrenzhapova, S. (2011). Vsja zhizn’ v turizme [All life in tourism]. Mir Bajkala [World of Baikal], 3(31), 99–101. (In Russ.). 9. Schnaidgen, I.I. (2004). Ideologicheskie aspekty raboty s inostrannymi turistami v SSSR: vtoraja polovina 1950h – ​pervaja polovina 1980-h gg. (po materialam «Inturista») [Ideological aspects of working with foreign tourists in the USSR: the second half of 1950 – ​first half of the 1980s. (Based on material of “Intourist”)]: Candidate of History thesis. Moscow. (In Russ.). 10. Orlov, I. (n. d.). The Soviet Union Outgoing Tourism in 1955–1985: Volume, Geography, Organizational Forms. SSRN Electronic Journal SSRN Journal. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.2430667. 11. Sampson, S.L. (1987). The Second Economy of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 493(1), 120–136. doi: 10.1177/0002716287493001009. 12. Zhuk, S. (2011). Popular National Culture and Advertising in the Soviet Travel Agencies, 1964–1984. Memoria y Civilización, (14), 53–77. Клетнова Л.С. Развитие въездного туризма в  Байкальском регионе в 1980–2000 гг. (на примере деятельности региональных отделений «Интуриста») // Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма. Т.10. № 4. С. 133-142. DOI: 10.22412/1995‑0411‑2016‑10‑4‑133-142. Kletnova, L.S. (2016). The development of incoming tourism in Baikal region in 1980–2000-ies (the case of regional branches of «Intourist»). Sovremennye problemy servisa i turizma [Service and Tourism: Current Challenges], 10(4), 133-142. doi: 10.22412/1995‑0411‑2016‑10‑4‑133-142 (In Russ.). Дата поступления статьи: 04 августа 2016 г. Received August 4, 2016. 142