Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2016_v.10_#4 | Page 79

Стр . 128 – 132 ПАШКОВА Елена Юрьевна
Elena Yu . PASHKOVA I . I . Polzunov Altai State Technical University ( Barnaul , Altai Krai , Russia );
PhD in History , Associate Professor ; e-mail : pashkova _ helena @ mail . ru
Keywords : international tourism , USSR , « Intourist », « Sputnik », Altai Krai
The article is devoted to the identification of the main institutions of the organization of international or « foreign » tourism in the USSR , the study of their functioning in the country and the specifics of activity in Altai Krai in the 1960 – 1980-ies . International tourism was under control of the party and government bodies . « Intourist » and the Bureau of International Youth Tourism « Sputnik » were specialized organizations in the field of tourism . Foreign tourism was characterized by excessive indoctrination and social orientation , because most of the tourist vouchers for trips abroad were issued free of charge or with significant discounts for workers and employees of branch trade union committees . The international youth tourism developed in the form of non-currency exchanges . Foreign tourism in those years was not a mass as an internal or amateur tourism , but the dynamics of tourists going abroad was positive . The plan was the form of organization of tourist flow . Socialist countries ( Bulgaria , Czechoslovakia , Hungary , Poland , Romania ), the capitalist countries ( West Germany ) and developing countries ( eg . Yugoslavia ) were the main tourist destinations . For each country the own nuances in drawing up of documents were determined . The international tourism development in the USSR contributed to the establishment of tourist infrastructure , creation service enterprises , training of qualified personnel in the field of excursion service with knowledge of several foreign languages . International exchanges in the line of « Sputnik » gave the opportunity for youth of foreign countries to get acquainted with the rich cultural heritage of the USSR , and it often downplayed tensions in international relations .
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Пашкова Е . Ю . Организация международного туризма в СССР на примере Алтайского края ( 1960 – 1980-е гг .) // Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма . Т . 10 . № 4 . С . 128 – 132 . DOI : 10.22412 / 1995‐0411‐2016‐10‐4‐128-132 .
Дата поступления статьи : 03 августа 2016 г . Received August 3 , 2016 .
Pashkova , E . Yu . ( 2016 ). Organization of international tourism in the USSR in terms of Altai Krai ( 1960 – 1980-ies ). Sovremennye problemy servisa i turizma [ Service and Tourism : Current Challenges ], 10 ( 4 ), 128 – 132 . doi : 10.22412 / 1995‐0411‐2016‐10‐4‐128-132 ( In Russ .).