Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2016_v.10_#4 | Page 76

Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма № 4/2016   Том 10 6. Крессова М.Д. «Интурист» в 1929–1939 гг.: структура, кадры, направления деятельности // Дисс. … канд. ист. наук. М., 2004. 7. Харламова Т. Николай Какора, руководитель въездного направления «Интуриста»// Туризм: практика, проблемы, перспективы. 2007. № 2. С. 10–11. 8. Шнайдген Й.Й. Изменения идеологических подходов работы с туристами из соцстран в связи с событиями Пражской Весны 1968 г. // Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма. 2007. № 2. С. 4–9. Tatyana P. KOTOVA Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (Ufa, Resp. Bashkortostan, Russia); PhD in History, Associate Professor; e-mail: [email protected] Albina F. HISAMUTDINOVA Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (Ufa, Resp. Bashkortostan, Russia); Graduate Student; e-mail: [email protected] ON THE INTERNATIONAL TOURISM IN BASHKORTOSTAN (1960–1980-ies) The article considers the peculiarities of status and organization of outbound tourism and reception of tourists in Bashkortostan. This region is not well-known among the foreign tourists. Bashkortostan Regional Council of Trade Unions received a certain number of vouchers for the republic through «Intourist». The number of vouchers given to the Republic increased from 800 vouchers in the 60s up to 5000 in the 80s, but they could provide recreation abroad only for 0.1% of the population. Foreign tourists came in Bashkortostan within the frameKeywords: work of friendly relations between Ufa and Galle District of the GDR. As part of these rela“Intourist”, tions a two-way exchange of delegations of party workers, leaders of manufacture, science friendly relations with and culture was implemented, tourism trips of workers’ representatives were organized, cothe cities of the socialist operation in the newspapers, radio and television were carried out, the exchange exhibitions countries, and photo-windows about the development of the national economy and culture, etc. were two-way exchange of organized. The trains of Friendship became popular way of cooperation. International tourdelegations, ism in the Soviet period was considered as one of the most important forms of international train of Friendship education of young people and workers. References 1. Bagdasaryan, V.E., Orlov, I.B., Shnaydgen, J.J., Fedulin, A.A., & Mazin, K.A. (2011). Sovetskoe zazerkal’e. Inostrannyj turizm v SSSR v 1930–1980-e gody [Soviet Union behind the mirror. Foreign tourism in USSR in 1930–1980]. Moscow, FORUM. (In Russ.). 2. Yumaguzin, U.Z. (1985). 20 let bratskoj druzhby. Bashkirskaja ASSR – ​okrug Galle GDR [20 years of fraternal friendship. Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Repu blic – ​GDR Galle District]. Ufa. (In Russ.). 3. Degtjarev, A.N. & so on. (2006). Istoriko-poznavatel’nyj turizm v respublike Bashkortostan [Historical and cultural tourism in Bashkortostan]. Ufa: DizajnPoligrafServis. (In Russ.). 4. Kotova, T.P. (1997). Istorija fizicheskoj kul’tury i sporta Bashkortostana 60-e – ​nachalo 90-h godov [History of Physical Culture and Sports of Bashkortostan 60s – ​early 90s]: Candidate of History thesis. Ufa. (In Russ.). 5. Kotova, T.P. (2016). Iz istorii dejatel’nosti bashkirskogo otdelenija Bjuro mezhdunarodnogo molodezhnogo turizma “Sputnik” [From the history of the activity of Bashkir Department of Bureau of International Youth Tourism “Sputnik”]. Nauchnyj al’manah [Scientific almanac], 2–3(16), 405–412. (In Russ.). 6. Kressova, M.D. (2004). “Inturist” v 1929–1939 gg.: struktura, kadry, napravlenija dejatel’nosti [“Intourist” in 1929– 1939-ies: The structure, personnel, areas of activity]: Candidate of History thesis. Moscow. (In Russ.). 7. Harlamova, T. (2007). Nikolaj Kakora, rukovoditel’ v’ezdnogo napravlenija “Inturista” [Nicholay Kharlamov, head of the inbound direction of “Intourist”]. Turizm: praktika, problemy, perspektivy [Tourism: Practice, Problems and Prospects], (2), 10–11. (In Russ.). 8. Schnaidgen, I.I. (2007). Izmenenija ideologicheskih podhodov raboty s turistami iz socstran v svjazi s sobytijami Prazhskoj Vesny 1968 g. [Changes in Ideological Approaches to Dealing with Tourists from Socialist-Oriented Countries Due to “Prague Spring of 1968” Events]. Sovremennye problemy servisa i turizma [Service and Tourism: Current Challenges], 1(2), 4–9. (In Russ.). Котова Т.П., Хисамутдинова А.Ф. О международном туризме в Башкортостане (1960–1980-е гг.) // Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма. Т.10. № 4. С. 122–127. DOI: 10.22412/1995‑0411‑2016‑10‑4‑122-127. Kotova, T. P., & Hisamutdinova, A. F. (2016). On the international tourism in Bashkortostan (1960–1980-ies). Sovremennye problemy servisa i turizma [Service and Tourism: Current Challenges], 10(4), 122–127. doi: 10.22412/1995‑0411‑2016‑10‑4‑122-127 (In Russ.). Дата поступления статьи: 04 августа 2016 г. Received August 4, 2016. 127