Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2016_v.10_#4 | Page 57

Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма Evgeniy M. NIKOLAEV № 4/2016   Том 10 Vice-President of the International Tourist Academy; Moscow Humanities University (Moscow, Russia); PhD in Pedagogic, Associate Professor; e-mail: [email protected] “INTOURIST” – ​O N THE STABILITY OF BRAND AND VICISSITUDES OF THE HISTORY Keywords: brand «Intourist», entrance tourism, influence of ideology on tourism, economics of tourism, scheme of funding, public administration of tourism The article deals with history of specific problems of interference of the ideology, policy and economy, which turn tourism from an independent field of activity into the tool of the solution of the current ideological and political tasks. «Intourist» during a long historical period acted as such tool due to its special role and dominant position in the tourism industry of the Soviet Union. The author draws the conclusion that long existence and stability of a brand «Intourist» are caused by specific conditions of its existence and strong support from party and government institutions of the USSR. Based on statistical data, correlation between development indicators of entrance tourism in the USSR and a development level of the communistic movement in a number of the European countries is shown. The authors concludes that the true objective of increasing inbound tourism flows in the Soviet Union were the ideological and political, namely, the promoting achievements of the USSR in building socialism and communism, and the desire to expand its international influence by secret funding of communist orientation parties in foreign countries. The article describes the history of existence and transformation of «Intourist» from the moment of its creation and up to now. The author also considers causeand-effect relations between political and ideological problems solved by Communist party of the Soviet Union in certain historical period and the status of «Intourist» in system of public administration. The article demonstrates nonconventional approaches to research the historical, economic and organizational processes, which have been happened and happen now in the Soviet and Russian tourism. It allows to look at its development under a new point of view. References 1. Abukov, A.H. (1983). Turizm na novom etape. Social’nye aspekty razvitija turizma v SSSR [Tourism at the new stage. Social aspects of tourism development in the USSR]. Moscow: Profizdat. (In Russ.). 2. Blinov, A.V. (1978). Sovershenstvovanie struktury inostrannogo turizma v SSSR po vidam turizma i klassam obsluzhivanija kak forma povyshenija ego ekonomicheskoj effektivnosti [Improving the structure of foreign tourism in the USSR by types of tourism and service classes as a form of enhancing its economic efficiency of foreign tourism]. Problemy inostrannogo turizma v SSSR [Problems of foreign tourism in the USSR], (2). (In Russ.). 3. Grigor’ev, K. (1931). Inostrannye turisty v SSSR [Foreign tourists in the USSR]. Na sushe i na more [On Land and at Sea], (12). (In Russ.). 4. Ismaev, D.K. (1977). Turizm – ​put’ vzaimoponimanija mezhdu narodami [Tourism – ​the way of mutual understanding between nations]. Moscow, Znanie. (In Russ.). 5. Nemoljaeva, M.E., & Hodorkov, L.F. (1985). Mezhdunarodnyj turizm: vchera, segodnja, zavtra [International tourism: yesterday, today and tomorrow]. Moscow: Int. Relations. (In Russ.). 6. Nikitin, S. (1976). 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Nekotorye aspekty effektivnosti informacionno-ekskursionnoj raboty v oblasti inostrannogo turizma [Some aspects of the efficiency of information and excursion work in the field of foreign tourism]. Problemy inostrannogo turizma v SSSR [Problems of foreign tourism in the USSR], (2). (In Russ.). Николаев Е.М. «Интурист»: об устойчивости бренда и перипе- Nikolaev, E.M. (2016). «Intourist»  – ​on the stability of brand тиях истории // Современные проблемы сервиса и  туризма. and vicissitudes of the history. Sovremennye problemy servisa Т. 10. № 4. С. 86–95. DOI: 10.22412/1995‑0411‑2016‑10‑4‑86‑95. i turizma [Service and Tourism: Current Challenges], 10(4), 86–95. doi: 10.22412/1995‑0411‑2016‑10‑4‑86‑95 (In Russ.). Дата поступления статьи: 02 августа 2016 г. Received August 2, 2016. 95