Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2016_v.10_#4 | Page 53

Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма № 4/2016   Том 10 6. Соколова М.В. История туризма. М.: Мастерство, 2002. 352 с. 7. Стукал Д.К. Иностранный туризм как инструмент внешней политики СССР в 1930-е годы // Вестник МГУС. 2007. № 2 (2). C. 115–120. Aleksey I. TKALICH St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Holy Humanitarian University (Moscow, Russia); PhD in Pedagogic, Associate Professor; e-mail: [email protected] SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF FOREIGN TOURISTS’ STAY IN THE USSR Keywords: history of tourism, «Intourist», foreign tourists, USSR Questions of stay of foreign tourists in the territory of the Soviet State, deriving profit from it and safety and security arrangements were always in the focus of attention of the structures, which were mandated to monitor these issues. The company «Intourist», created in 1929, throughout its history, exercised a main ideological function in the formation and development of Soviet tourism industry. «Intourist» with its five millions capitals under the patronage of the first persons of the state was supreme in the Soviet tourism industry and carried on its business. In particular, the company built own hotels, opened hotel restaurants, formed its own truck fleet in own garage, and consistently organized wide advertising campaigns abroad. All this in the best possible way contributed to its success. The authors, who have studied the phenomenon of «Intourist», show that interest in the Soviet Union, the world’s first Bolshevist state in pre-war and the post-war period, its people, its economic and spiritual achievements, and its cultural and natural heritage, is in many respects the merit of «Intourist». Its activities resulted in increased from year to year the number of people wishing to visit the Soviet Union. Reception and service of foreign tourists, namely, hotel and restaurant, sightseeing and transport services, have been gradually improved. Furthermore, gathered experience has certainly played a positive role in the tourism development in modern Russia. References 1. Dvornichenko, V.V., Chudnovskij, A.D., & Kormishova, A.V. (1998). Nekotorye aspekty funkcionirovanija industrii turizma [Some aspects of the tourism industry]. Moscow, Vestnik. 2. Кazakova, L.A., & Petrov, K.S. (2002). O pravilah prebyvanija v Rossijskoj Federacii inostrannyh grazhdan i lic bez grazhdanstva [Rules of Sojourn of Foreign Citizens and Persons without Citizenship in the Russian Federation]. Pravo i bezopasnost’ [Law and Security], 2–3(3–4), 103–110. 3. Kressova, M.D. (2004). “Inturist” v 1929–1939 gg.: struktura, kadry, napravlenija dejatel’nosti [“Intourist” in 1929– 1939-ies: The structure, personnel, areas of activity]: Candidate of History thesis. Moscow, 2004. 4. Kulikova, G.B. (2001). SSSR 1920–1930-h godov glazami zapadnyh intellektualov [USSR of the 1920–1930-ies through eyes of Western intellectuals]. Otechestvennaja istorija [Domestic History], (1), 4–24. 5. Kulikova, G.B. (2003). Pod kontrolem gosudarstva: prebyvanie v SSSR inostrannyh pisatelej v 1920–1930-h godah [Under the state control: the stay of the foreign writers in 1920–1930-ies]. Otechestvennaja istorija [Domestic History], (4), 43–59. 6. Sokolova, M.V. (2002). Istorija turizma [The history of tourism]. Moscow, Masterstvo. 7. Stukal, D.K. (2007). Inostrannyj turizm kak instrument vneshnej politiki SSSR v 1930-e gody [Foreign tourism as the Soviet Union’s foreign policy tool in the 1930’s]. Vestnik MGUS [Bulletin of MSUS], 2(2), 115–120. Ткалич А.И. Специфические условия пребывания иностранных туристов в СССР // Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма. Т. 10. № 4. С. 80–85. DOI: 10.22412/1995‑0411‑2016‑10‑4‑80‑85. Tkalich, A. I. (2016). Specific conditions of foreign tourists’ stay in the USSR. Sovremennye problemy servisa i  turizma [Service and Tourism: Current Challenges], 10(4), 80–85. doi: 10.22412/1995‑0411‑2016‑10‑4‑80‑85 (In Russ.). Дата поступления статьи: 30 июля 2016 г. Received July 30, 2016. 85