Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2016_v.10_#4 | Page 49

Стр. 71–79 ИВАНОВ Андрей Александрович Andrey A. IVANOV Saint-Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (St. Petersburg, Russia); PhD in History, Associate Professor; e-mail: bishop‑[email protected] POLITIZATION OF INCOMING TOURISM IN USSR DURING THE PERIOD OF THE COLD WAR: CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES Keywords: USSR, tourism, Cold War, convergence, indoctrination In the current situation of complication of Russia’s international position and a sharp deterioration of relations with the United States, many experts are talking seriously about a new Cold War. Nowadays these processes have a significant impact on the development of international tourism, what makes the investigation of various aspects of Soviet-American tourism contacts in the previous periods of political aggravation very accurate. Studying the history of Soviet tourism during the Cold War not only sheds light on general history of the country, but also reveals in detail the specifics of the tourist agencies’ activity during the escalation of ideological conflict. Although at that time tourism was endowed with other function than it is now, «Intourist’s» experience in promoting cultural contacts between Soviet Union and United States deserves great attention. This article provides a brief analysis of the process of tourism politicization in the USSR in the conditions of confrontation with the capitalist countries. Particular attention is paid to investigating the impact of international tourism on the policy of the Soviet leaders and mindset of Soviet citizens in terms of «theory of convergence». References 1. Bajbakov, A.I., & Kuldashina, N.M. (1983). Inostrannyj turizm na sluzhbe mira [Foreign tourism in the service of peace]. Moscow, Goskominturism USSR. (In Russ.). 2. Boguslavskij, M.M., & Ruban, A.A. (1962). Pravovoe polozhenie inostrancev v SSSR [The legal status of foreigners in the Soviet Union]. Moscow, Institute of International Relations. (In Russ.). 3. (2006). Vlast’ i dissidenty. Iz dokumentov KGB i CK KPSS [Power and dissidents. From the KGB and the CPSU Central Committee documents]. Мoscow, Moscow Helsinki Group. (In Russ.). 4. Goncharenko, A.B. (2015). Zakonomernosti kul’turnoj diffuzii v otechestvennom turistskom diskurse [Main trends of cultural diffusion in Russian touristic discourse]. ARTIKULT, 3(19), 92–98. (In Russ.). 5. Ivanov, A.A., & Voronov, V.M. (2015). Negativistskaja konfliktologija [Negativist Conflict Resolution]. Moscow, Flinta. (In Russ.). 6. Kosach, G.G. (2009). Saudovskaja Aravija i sovetskoe musul’manskoe soobshhestvo: hadzh v kontekste sovetskoj vneshnej politiki (vremja «ottepeli» – ​1950-e – ​1960-e gody) [Saudi Arabia and the Soviet Muslim community: Hajj in the context of Soviet foreign policy (the “thaw” 1950–1960’s)]. Nizhegorodskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnyh issledovanij [Nizhny Novgorod Journal of International Studies], (2), 87–91. (In Russ.). 7. Krymskaya, A.S. (2011). K istorii nauchno-obrazovatel’nyh obmenov mezhdu SSSR i SShA v konce 1950h – ​1960-e gg. [About USSR–USA scientific and educational exchanges at the end of 1950s‑1960s]. Novejshaja istorija Rossii [Modern History of Russia], 2(2), 99–106. (In Russ.). 8. Mitsel, М. (2007). Zapret na uvekovechenie pamjati kak sposob zamalchivanija Holokosta: praktika KPU v otnoshenii Bab’ego Jara [Banning the immortalization of