Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2016_v.10_#4 | Page 21

Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма № 4 / 2016 Том 10
8 . Тарасенко В . Н . Досуг периода нэпа в постсоветской историографии ( предварительные итоги исследования ) // Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма . 2010 . № 4 . С . 20 – 27 .
9 . Урушадзе А . Т . Формирование и развитие курортной инфраструктуры Кавказских минеральных вод в первой половине XIX в . // Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма . 2011 . № 1 . С . 17 – 22 .
10 . Шнайдген Й . Й . Изменения идеологических подходов работы с туристами из соцстран в связи с событиями Пражской Весны 1968 г . // Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма . 2007 . № 2 . С . 4 – 9 .
Vladimir S . NOVIKOV
The International Tourist Academy ( Moscow , Russia ); Professor ; e-mail : vlsemnov @ yandex . ru
Keywords : acquisition , tour-day , service class , the tour , the General instruction
The article discusses the specifics of the organization to attract and service foreign tourists by Intourist in the USSR in the 1930-ies . The author defines the concept of « acquisition » as an assessment indicator of accomplishment of performance targets for the reception of tourists and « tour-day » as valuation service classes . The reasons for the need to provide comprehensive services to foreign tourists on the territory of the USSR and the form of its organization are given . The elements of the structure created by Intourist and capable to ensure the involvement of foreign tourist are Identified . They include organization of agencies in the border areas and cities of the USSR , the conclusion of agreements on cooperation with foreign tourist companies , steamship and railway companies , and , ultimately , the Intourist offices abroad . Examples of the development of commercial offers and methods of commercial activity are shown . The ways of advertising to attract tourists in foreign markets are described . The author considers in detail the content of the classes of service , gives characteristic of their change in the 1930s and in 1960 – 1970-ies . The article analyzes the evolution of the “ General Instructions on service of tourists ” and the emergence of separate documents regulating the performance of Intourist commercial activities . The author highlights the role of government regulation in the development of foreign tourism and the specifics of the Intourist activities after the creation of the body of state for foreign tourism management . The article concludes that the activities of the « Intourist » in the 1930s contributed to the foreign tourism development and created conditions for a leading position in international tourism in the 1970 – 80-ies .
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2 . Atachkina , N . V ., & Atachkin , E . F . ( 2009 ). Iz istorii razvitija turistskoj dejatel ’ nosti . Massovyj samodejatel ’ nyj turizm v SSSR [ From History of Tourism . Mass Folklore Tourism in USSR ]. Sovremennye problemy servisa i turizma [ Service and Tourism : Current Challenges ], 3 ( 1 ), 16 – 28 . ( In Russ .).
3 . Bagdasaryan , V . E ., Orlov , I . B ., Shnaydgen , J . J ., Fedulin , A . A ., & Mazin , K . A . ( 2011 ). Sovetskoe zazerkal ’ e . Inostrannyj turizm v SSSR v 1930 – 1980-e gody [ Soviet Union behind the mirror . Foreign tourism in USSR in 1930 – 1980 ]. Moscow , FORUM . ( In Russ .).
4 . Kovalenko , V . V . ( 2012 ). Gosudarstvennoe regulirovanie turistskoj dejatel ’ nosti : retrospektivnyj analiz [ Governmental regulation of tourism activity : retrospective analysis ]. Sovremennye problemy servisa i turizma [ Service and Tourism : Current Challenges ], 6 ( 2 ), 68 – 75 . ( In Russ .).
5 . Malahov , A . ( 2004 ). Nasha cel ’ – ​inturizm [ inturizm is our goal ]. Kommersant Den ’ gi [ Kommersant Money ], 44 ( 499 ), 93 – 97 . ( In Russ .).
6 . Orlov , I . B . ( 2009 ). Sovetskij kurort 1930-h godov : na “ eksport ” i dlja vnutrennego pol ’ zovanija [ Soviet Health Resort of 1930-s : for Exports and for Residents ]. Sovremennye problemy servisa i turizma [ Service and Tourism : Current Challenges ], 3 ( 3 ), 25 – 30 . ( In Russ .).