Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2016_v.10_#4 | Page 16

Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма № 4 / 2016 Том 10
Lidia G . BEREZOVAYA Russian State University in Humanity ( Moscow , Russia );
PhD ( Dr . Sc .) in History , Professor ; e-mail : lgber @ yandex . ru
Keywords : foreign tourism , « Intourist », service , Thomas Cook & Son
The article deals with the issue of beginning Russian tourist service in the sphere of international tourism . In this period the Soviet Government considered tourism as a specific type of propaganda of the soviet life and « socially close » tourists were in the focus of attention . The main concept of the foreign tourism in the USSR connected two paradoxical ideas : « proletarian tourism » with its purely class and ideological motivation and the need to meet international standards of tourist business , task of business success . The Famous company Thomas Cook & Son embodied the model of international tourism business in the most concentrated and classical form . Cooperation with this company would make the Soviet tourism business internationally recognized . However , the lack of tourism infrastructure of international level and the ambitions of the Soviet leaders have prevented such cooperation . Dramatic negotiations with Thomas Cook & Son ended with the creation of the Soviet Joint Stock Company « Intourist », which built Soviet tourist business at its own discretion . International requirements to the tourist service led to the creation of a separate « intourist » infrastructure , which was not available for Soviet citizens . An important aspect of the activities of « Intourist » was a close cooperation with the state security apparatus at all stages of the tourist service . Nevertheless , « Intourist » has managed to adapt to both the Soviet tourist industry , and to the international standards in this field . The article deals with the period of « Intourist » activity in the 1920 – 30s .
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Березовая Л . Г . « Интурист »: у истоков иностранного туризма в СССР // Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма . Т . 10 . № 4 . С . 10 – 19 . DOI : 10.22412 / 1995‐0411‐2016‐10‐4‐10‐19 .
Дата поступления статьи : 05 августа 2016 г . Received August 5 , 2016 .
Berezovaya , L . G . ( 2016 ). « Intourist »: at the origins of the foreign tourism in USSR . Sovremennye problemy servisa i turizma [ Service and Tourism : Current Challenges ], 10 ( 4 ), 10 – 19 . doi : 10.22412 / 1995‐0411‐2016‐10‐4‐10‐19 ( In Russ .).