Мой первый журнал SUNRISE November № 1 2018 | Page 10

INTERVIEW DO.BRO or a Cup of Kindness in the Downtown These are works of our students and teachers who took part in the workshops. You see, the walls are white and they do need some decoration. So we thought that the best way to decorate our art space is to place drawings made by the students. When people see them, they say: “Wow! Nice pics!” And I proudly reply that these are the pictures painted by our beginners, and you can paint like this, too. It really inspires people! We have all kinds of art classes: from watercolors to coffee painting! It’s very unusual and we will be happy if more people take part in our events. Who knows, maybe their creations will be hung on our walls too! Why not? Do you draw? Just at times and not professionally. This September, for example, I`ve signed up for oil painting courses and they inspire me a lot! I have already painted 4 pictures! Still can`t believe it! That`s it! The key phrase is “I have already painted 4 pictures”. The most important thing about all this is that these workshops leave a long lasting impression as they result in emotional satisfaction and a material product. You have a picture. Your own picture. It will always remind you of the place where it has been painted and the people who were with you at the moment. Yo u a r e r i g h t ! I t evo ke s p o s i t i ve memories and a desire to come back… Yo u g o t t h e p o i n t ! B u t n o t o n l y painters, movie lovers and English- speaking people will find the activities for their heart and soul here, musicians are welcome too. For exa m p l e, t h e re wa s a g i g o n t h e 2 4 t h o f September when the saxophonist and the cellist played a duet. We all loved it and plan to continue organizing such music events. The more I listen to you the more I understand that coffee speaks and ours speaks English. Sure! But… it can also speak French, Italian and any other language. I mean we are available for a creative collaboration and will be very glad to see new people. I like the idea of widening the art space and hope that together, “Sunrise”, DO.ART and DO.BRO, will be able to fill the cultural life of Blago with new interesting events and projects. 9 SUNRISE W e w i l l d o o u r b e s t ! Yo u k n o w everything you`ve just told about sounds fresh and modern. What is the source of your inspiration? Actually, I get my inspiration from different sources: reading, travelling, meeting n ew p e o p l e, a r t a n d fo re i g n l a n g u a g e s . Studying at the faculty of foreign languages helped me in many ways: I’ve become more communicative, confident and… I don’t know, maybe even more optimistic. What other methods and techniques do you use in your work with the students except for the ones which are in disposal of DO.BRO? I use the communicative approach a n d d o e ve r y t h i n g p o s s i b l e t o h e l p m y students to speak English. We watch videos on Youtube and discuss them, we read books in the original. I usually use modern literature for this purpose as modern books are easier to understand and they contain expressions which people use in daily life now, but not hundreds of years ago. Besides, I prefer tex t b o o ks p u b l i s h e d by we l l - k n ow n a n d respected publishing houses, such as Express P u b l i s h i n g , P E A R S O N L o n g m a n , O x fo r d University Press. H ow d o e s yo u r i d e a l sys te m o f teaching English look like? Well, it’s a difficult question. I think that the most important thing in teaching on the whole is to love and respect your students, to pay attention to their needs, to be patient. You can use the most advanced techniques or textbooks but if you hate your job or people November 2018 №1