Геодезия, Картография, Земеустройство | Page 3

CONTENTS 1. A new map of recent vertical crustal movements of the territory of Bulgaria Tassi Belyashki 2. Linear function defining (right line) by the least mean squares Dimitar Tonkov 3. Projects for reconstruction and terrain design of central park of the town of Strumitsa, Republic Macedonia Veneta Kotseva, Blagoy Vassilev, Petar Shalamanov 4. Interpretation of forest tree species and age stages using digdital colour orthoimages Maria Asenova 5. The role of the map at the personal navigation Elena Toteva 6. Analises of the classification of real estate Olga Petrova 7. The program GMOS keeps aye on the “health“ of the Earth Liliana Turnalieva GEODESY IN THE ARTISTIC LITERATURE AND THE ART 8. The russian writer and surveyor Grigory Fedoseev Georgi Valev 3 6 12 17 28 32 35 37 EVENTS 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. FIG Working Week, 2012 Gincho Kostov Bulgarian participation in the FIG activity Georgi Milev International Seminar on the project OBSERVE - consolidation and development of the activities for the obsrvation of the Earth connecting with t