Геодезия, Картография, Земеустройство | Page 37

Пространствена интерпретация на данните от преброяването на населението през 2011 г. на основата на съставени карти Доц. д-р инж. Пенка Кастрева Югозападен университет “Неофит Рилски”, Благоевград Summary The demographic variations in Bulgaria by 2010 discussed in this article are a result from the analysis of the data gathered from 17th census. The department of “Geography, Ecology and Environmental protection” in Blagoevgrad creates a geographic database from the censuses data that Institute of National Statistic accomplishes. This geographic database is created in order to develop a system for geoinfomation monitoring of complex demographic investigations. A positive effect from demographic mapmaking is reported. The maps are only that have a privilege for spatial interpretation of the gathered data versus the other statistical materials. The dynamics of the demographic processes in Bulgaria as a result of the migration, the low birth rate and high mortality can be observed with the help o