Геодезия, Картография, Земеустройство | Page 18

Маркшайдерски работи на железопътни тунели за нуждите на проект „Разширение на Софийското метро между бул. „Драган Цанков” и бул. „Мария Луиза” Инж. Иван Андреев1 SUMMARY 1. Въведение. When a railway tunnel is running, the accuracy of the mine surveying measurements and networks must be accomplished with limit of 15 mm at the place of meeting of the both opposite galleries of the tunnel. This must be made in order the rail track without additional changes and/or construction corrections to be laid. The promptness of the day-to-day mine surveying works is from great importance for keeping of the deadline of the project. Usually, during the works in this conditions, a method with polygon and disposing of three tripods is using. A network of distance points on the walls of the tunnel has been disposed, which are defined by resection. The heavy (50 kg) cradles for the robotized geodetic mine surveying instrument with light and more robust returnable cradles has been changed. The result from the implementation of distance points is a higher certitude in the measurements, up to 50%,. After implementation of the new cradles, a more prompted installation with up to 800% has been attained With its returnable use the price more than 5 times is reduced. With some little changes in the method of working and the manner for fastening of the robotized instrumen, which is leading the TBM - Tunnel Boring Machine, a considerable improving of the mine surveying activity in accuracy, promptness and prime costs has been attained. В началото правя уговорката, че в тази статия няма да видите формули, които да доказват теоретично правотата на моите думи. Ще ви представя по най-краткия начин методите, които използваме, и подобренията, които сме направили, за да постигнем успешен краен резултат. Резюме Когато се прокарва железопътен тунел, точността на маркшайдерските измервания и мрежи трябва да удовлетворява допуск от 15 4/4/4/t,4/4c