ΨΥΧΟΛΟΓΙΑ - Έρευνα και Εφαρμογές ΤΕΥΧΟΣ 2 | Page 46

Επιστημονικό Περιοδικό «ΨΥΧΟΛΟΓΙΑ έρευνα & εφαρμογές» Τόμος 1, Τεύχος 1, 2017 ISSN: ….. ΒΙΒΛΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ Broca P: On the seat of the faculty of articulate language in the left hemisphere of the brain [in French]. Bull Soc Anthropol 6:377– 393, 1865 Damasio, A. (1994). Descarte’s error: Emotion, reason, and the human brain (New York: Gosset/Putnam). Damasio, A.R. (1999). The feeling of what happens: Body and emotion in the making of consciousness (New York: Harcourt Brace). Damasio, A. (2003). Feelings of emotion and the self. Ann. N Y Acad. Sci. 1001, 253–261. Kandel, E. R., Schwartz, J. H., and Jessell, T. M. (Eds.) 1995. Essentials of Neural Science and Behavior. Appleton & Lange. Stamford, Connecticut. O’Connor, Patricia E. (1994a) “You could feel it through the skin”: Agency and positioning in prisoners’ stabbing stories, Text 14.1: 45-75. Posner, M.I. & Raichle, M.E. (1994). Images of Mind. Scientific American Books. Premack, D., & Premack, A.J. (1983). The mind of an ape. New York: Norton. Gardner, M. (1969). “The Problem of the Six Matches”, in The Unexpected Hanging and Other Mathematical Diversions. Simon and Schuster, NY, p. 80. Geschwind, I. I. & Li, C. H. (1956). Endocrinology, 63, 449. Wernicke, C., 1908. The symptom-complex of aphasia. (J. L. Salinger, Trans.). In: Church, A. (Ed.), Diseases of the nervous system. Appleton, New York, pp. 265–324. 46