ΨΥΧΟΛΟΓΙΑ - Έρευνα και Εφαρμογές ΤΕΥΧΟΣ 2 | Page 22

Επιστημονικό Περιοδικό «ΨΥΧΟΛΟΓΙΑ έρευνα & εφαρμογές» Τόμος 1, Τεύχος 1, 2017 ISSN: ….. Rounsaville BJ, Dolinsky ZS, Babor TF, Meyer RE. (1987). Psychopathology as a predictor of treatment outcome in alcoholism. Arch Gen Psychiatry 44, 505-513 Samet S, Fenton MC, Nunes E, Greenstein E, Aharonovich E, Hasin D. (2013). Effects of independent and substance-induced major depressive disorder on remission and relapse of alcohol, cocaine and heroin dependence. Addiction 108 (1), 115–123 Schaefer I, Najavits LM. (2007). Clinical challenges in the treatment of patients with posttraumatic stress disorder and substance abuse. Curr Opin Psychiatry 20 (6), 614–618 Schaefer I, Reininghaus U, Langeland W, Voss A, Zieger N et al. (2007). Dissociative symptoms in alcohol-dependent patients: associations with childhood trauma and substance abuse characteristics. Compr Psychiatry 48 (6), 539–545 Schneier FR, Foosel TE, Hasin DS et al. (2010). Social anxiety disorder and alcohol use disorder co-morbidity in the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and related Conditions. Psychol Med 40, 977–988 Schuckit MA. (1985). The clinical implications of primary diagnostic groups among alcoholics. Arch Gen Psychiatry 42, 1043-1049 Sonne SC, Brady T. (2002). Bipolar disorders and alcoholism. Alcohol Res Health 26, 103–108 Sonne SC, Brady KT, Morton WA. (1994). Substance abuse and bipolar affective disorder. J Nerv Ment Dis 182, 349-352 22