ΨΥΧΟΛΟΓΙΑ - Έρευνα και Εφαρμογές ΤΕΥΧΟΣ 2 | Page 17

Επιστημονικό Περιοδικό «ΨΥΧΟΛΟΓΙΑ έρευνα & εφαρμογές» Τόμος 1, Τεύχος 1, 2017 ISSN: ….. Brady KT, Halligan P, Malcolm RJ. (1999). Dual Diagnosis; in: Galanter M, Kleber HD (eds): Textbook of Substance Abuse Treatment, ed 2. 475–483 Cassidy F, Ahearn EP, Carroll BJ. (2001). Substance abuse in bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disord 3, 181–188 Cassidy CM, Schmitz N, Malla A. (2008). Validation of the alcohol use disorders identification test and the drug abuse screening test in first episode psychosis. Can J Psychiatry 53, 26–33 Chambers RA. (2007). Animal modeling and neurocircuitry of dual diagnosis. J Dual Diagn 3 (2), 19–29 Chambers RA. (2013). Adult hippocampal neurogenesis in the pathogenesis of addiction and dual diagnosis disorders. Drug Alcohol Depend 130 (1–3), 1–12 Conner KR, McCarthy MD, Bajorska A, Caine ED, Tu XM, Knox KL. (2012). Mood, anxiety, and substance-use disorders and suicide risk in a military population cohort. Suicide Life Threat Behav 42 (6), 699–708 Cornelius JR, Salloum IM, Mezzich J, et al. (1995). Disproportionate suicidality in patients with comorbid major depression and alcoholism. Am J Psychiatry 152, 358-364 Dom G, De Wilde B, Hulstijn W, Sabbe B. (2007). Traumatic experiences and posttraumatic stress disorders: differences between treatment- seeking early- and late-onset alcoholic patients. Compr Psychiatry 48 (2), 178–185 17