Šifra mládí 5 / Youth Code 5 | Page 39

Back to nature is all the rage . organic food , organic cotton or organic cosmetics are on the rise , not just because of their mild or zero negative impact on the environment , but also because , as recently confirmed by the foremost world scientists – they are immensely beneficial for our health . the trend of using products compatible with our body to enhance its natural qualities was implemented in the field of aesthetic medicine a long time ago . it has been revealed that our body ’ s own resources can help you solve many aesthetical and health issues .
in aesthetic medicine , the three most popular types of natural substances used for treating various problems are – hyaluronic acid , platelet rich plasma ( PrP ) and lactic acid . all of them are naturally present in the human body . the highest concentration of hyaluronic acid you can find in fluids in the eye and joints . it is also present in gums , skin or scalp tissue and hair follicles . Plasma is present in your blood and lactic acid in your muscles . each of these substances has a specific function and specific benefits for your body . Let ’ s take a look at them one by one .
NATURALLY PERFECTED MOISTURIZER hyaluronic acid has a very significant characteristic feature – it strongly binds water and activates the growth of collagen fibres , which are responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the tissue . this basically makes it the most efficient natural moisturizer . Proper hydration is essential for every process of our organism , from the mobility of our limbs enabled by the correct function of our joints to moderating the ageing of the skin . degenerative joint disease or various other joint problems or injuries are very often treated by hyaluronic acid injections . hyaluronic acid , in this case , works like oil in a machine – it lubricates the parts and decreases their friction , which can be especially painful in major joints . hyaluronic acid injections can significantly improve the pain for 4 to 8 months and it can also be used as a substitution for synovial fluid within the joints . regarding the ageing process , dehydrated skin ages faster . it easily loses its elasticity and wrinkles or sagging skin appear much earlier than on properly hydrated skin . using hydrating creams is great but as the body ages the skin closes up and decreases its
permeability , meaning that hydrating creams then only work on the surface of the skin and they can no longer penetrate the deeper layers . don ’ t lose hope , as there are still options for efficient tissue hydration . the most popular is Bio-revitalization , which renews vital features of skin cells enriching them with – guess what – hyaluronic acid . through microcirculation , nutrition and oxidation processes , the skin is not only hydrated deep down in the layers but hyaluronic acid also enhances the skin ’ s elasticity and slows down the aging process .
SELF-PERFORMED CELL REPAIR hyaluronic acid sounds like a great helper , doesn ’ t it ? and the advantages of the body ’ s own material don ’ t just end here . Just take plasma , the clear component of your blood . it contains platelets and they contain growth factors , which can repair and regenerate cells as nothing else can . Plasma , if extracted , still carries a high number of platelets ( PrP – platelet rich plasma ), which can heal and rejuvenate your skin way down deep , on a cellular level . the unique swiss dna therapy regenPlasma ® takes advantage of this plasma characteristics and uses it as a highly-efficient solution for moderating the displays of skin ageing , such as deep wrinkles , sagging skin and the overall tissue deterioration , not just in the face but all over the body , too . it ’ s even possible to say that while most procedures of aesthetic medicine only cover ageing , regen- Plasma ® prevents ageing process on a cellular level .
For its highly efficient regenerating features , it is more and more often used in orthopaedics , and also in dentistry , mostly in implantology or during periodontal treatments . “ Apart from reducing bleeding and significantly shortening the period of hea-
BeautY in detaiL / Face




1970 1:15

GRAMS of hyaluronic acid are present in the body of a 70kg person
first medical product based on hyaluronic acid was DEVELOPED
the RATIO of platelets to red blood cells in a healthy adult
ling , PRP also increases the success rate and a long-term effect of the so-called bone-grafting , which is necessary in some cases in order to restore the full functionality of the teeth , especially with periodontics patients ,” says dr . alex Bilous , the implant specialist of the mediestetik clinic .
Finally , there is one more natural substance , lactic acid , which is widely used in aesthetic medicine . there are many misconceptions about it , as it was long considered one of the causes of both , muscle fatigue during exercise and the stiffness felt after . on the contrary , lactic acid is actually an important fuel used by the muscles during prolonged exercise , since while being produced in one muscle it can be oxidized in another muscle . so , rather than causing fatigue , lactic acid helps delay the onset of fatigue and improves sport performance . in aesthetic dermatology , lactic acid is used during the so called Lac- -Lifting procedure , which is one of the most efficient ways to restore the firmness of the face and of the facial oval , as well as to correct the sagginess of the tissue in your face or body . special biocompatible mesothreads made from 100 % lactic acid in its polymerized form are applied into the skin during this treatment in order to support the skin and to stimulate it to create a significant amount of collagen that tightens it in the long term . the effect even lasts 3 – 4 times longer than the effect of classic mesothreads . can you see ? Your natural body substances can be used to enhance your beauty and preserve your youth ! so go ahead and be naturally gorgeous !
# 5 autumn / winter 2016 11