Équipements récréatifs Catalogue - Berliner Jeu de câbles | Page 93

Greenville Rope Playhouses

The spatial net as a play component is the perfect base for a structure on a playground to climb in . Climbing in a threedimensional net is a challenge that stimulates 3D thinking and the psychomotor skills of children . Three-dimensional nets in an outer frame also offer numerous combination capabilities . Outer frame structures are used to build a huge combination from the start or keep adding to it step by step . The Greenville structures even become better by adding the bamboo panels to give them the resemblance of a classic Playhouse in nature , while still being more valuable with a three-dimensional net for climbing and the space for recess like a Playhouse .
13 '
Bam Boo DoubleBoo TripleBoo QuadroBoo
13 '
Splash PentaBoo
Berliner Greenville Rope Playhouses 87