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Creation versus Consumption:

According to Pearce, read-only interaction should be taken as a site, but it is not sufficient enough to be taken as distinction feature between websites and web apps. This is amply proved by cases like Flipboard or Facebook and Twitter that fail to fit in any of the category.

How non-technical users understand the difference?

Well, as long as Web design and application apparently seem to be Web App to a user, the web site could be taken as a web app. Hence, till a web app is presented as an icon app for certain task, it does not matter if it is within a browser or installed through an app store. James Pearce of Facebook has provided few important parameters that would help differentiate between web sites and web apps. These are as follows: torquent per conubia nostra. Aenean sagittis gravida est, sit amet egestas metus venenatis non.