Zoom Autism Magazine Issue 6 | Page 46

(The following is an edited excerpt of Chapter 19 of Barb’s new book, Neurodiversity: A Humorous and Practical Guide to Living with ADHD, Anxiety, Autism, Dyslexia, Homosexuality and Everyone Else.) Life is a balance of two B’s: 1 Just being. 2 Being just. I n I Might Be You: An Exploration of Autism and Connection, I wrote much of the bounty of just being. Here is an excerpt sharing how just being can connect you with another without language: “We are not hiding. You search with limited senses and, therefore our humanity is camouflaged to you. Be still. Be quiet. Be. We notice you on the glacier. We observe you completely. Language presentation is the barrier to our friendship–not sentience or intellect. We do not speak your language, but you can speak ours. Be still. Be quiet. Be. And now be with us. Our silent and invisible language is that easy to learn. Feel it? Welcome. Our friendship has begun.” I have always been good at just being. I know now that to fully “be,” one must also “do.” This truth comes with the added bonus that doing can be a real calorie burner. But wait, there is more. Those who are good at just being are fully present and see justly that change is often needed to be just. (That may read more clearly when held up to a mirror.) Change is always a chain reaction. Google tells us a chain reaction is “a chemical reaction or other process in which the products themselves promote or spread the reaction, which under certain conditions may accelerate dramatically.” If you seek change, make your move. Humanity needs exactly you. B y : B arb R entenbach 46 ZOOM Autism through Many Lenses Consider, for example, Buddhist monk Quang Duc’s self-immolation on a Saigon street in June 1963 that led to the November 1963 overthrow of the Diem regime in South Vietnam, a government that infamously persecuted Buddhists, thus ending the “Buddhist crisis.” Fellow monk and prolific author Thich Nhat Hanh, in ZOOM Autism through Many Lenses 47