Zero to 1 Hundred 2015 March Issue | Page 10

Determining How Successful You Will Be In Your Relationship

There is absolutely one key factor that determines whether a woman has success with men or whether she fails miserably in relationships. I'm going to share this key factor in relationships.

I'm going to share this key factor in this post today and also how to tell whether you have it.

It's a simple concept that you can even use in other areas of your life, but for now I'm going to stick to relationships.

This concept is so powerful that I can tell instantly what type of success you will have with men just by asking you ONE question. That's crazy right?!

A few women do it subconsciously, and you will find that these women never have trouble getting in relationships and seem to magically create dynamic relationships and friendships with men.

But for others this can be a bit harder for and that's ok, it's really not your fault because if you haven't started off with a good example of this, it's more challenging to have it.

If this is you, don't worry, by the end of this post you will understand how you can unconsciously attract and keep a "stand up guy" in your life (one who protects and provides for you and is faithful, you know, the kind of guy you deserve).

So what is that question, that is so telling about the type of relationship you will enter into?

It's this, what do you think about men?

As simple as this question is, it is very effective at knowing what type of relationship you are attracting now or even the type of relationship you are in.

I have a friend who had a very positive view about men at one point and she couldn't say enough wonderful things about them, until she was hurt by one.

She was in a relationship with a man long term but when she went away on an internship she found out 3 months later that he was engaged to be married.

Well this really affected the way she saw men, every since that day she has met men that she thought were wonderful at first and not like the other guy she dated, only for her to find out that the new guy was well....a jerk.

This has still affected her to this day.

Her thoughts about that bad relationship has affected every single man she has met since, some who would've been interested in a committed relationship with her.

But because she thinks men are jerks, she not so surprisingly keeps meeting or turning good men into them.

Before you dismiss this as ludicrous, you have to understand how the mind works, whenever you focus on something, in her case, how men are jerks, the more your mind shows you that it is true.

The same as women who think men are better friends than women. These women miraculously have a lot of male friends.

Not saying that this is right or wrong, I personally have a good mix, but just want you to understand a bit better about how the mind works.

So, it stands to say one of the worst mistakes you can make with men has to do with your thought process before you even meet him. This dictates everything.

So, my question to you today is, what do you think about men?

And if that answer doesn't reveal the type of man you want to be in a relationship with, you should start thinking something differently:)

Written by Robyn Lee

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