ZEMCH 2015 - International Conference Proceedings | Page 635

Table 1: Summary of results Natural concept anatomy Lesson learned Strategy Iridophores Cells Redirecting the solar photons deep down the mantle tissue in order to provide uniform lighting for the algae. Light Shelf This pigments act as sunscreen and UV shields. They are used to block the excessive amount of UV radiation and eliminate the light that can decrease the photosynthesize process. Double Glazing This type of pigment performs photosynthesize, by absorbing the solar energy and converting this solar energy in to chemical energy to feed the clam Photovoltaic Cells Non-Photosynthetic Pigments Photosynthetic Pigments Distribute maximum amount of light in a uniform way inside the space Used to reduce the transfer of heat in to the building Photo voltaic cells are used to absorb sunlight and convert in to electricity The below diagram shows the lessons derived from the natural concept and the strategies implemented from these lessons (Fig.8). Figure 9: Natural concept and strategies diagram (Braley 2008) Conclusions As a result the thermal performance of the café was improved leading to occupants thermal comfort . These results were derived from the strategies. These strategies were implemented from the Tridacna Gigas functions and characteristics. From the Tridacna Gigas anatomy, we focused on the mantle tissue, and from the mantle tissue we derived three main lessons. The first lesson was the iridophores, the second was the non -photosynthesis pigments, and the third lesson were the photosynthesis pigments. The lessons learned were imitated and implemented in al Manahil Cafe Thermal comfort through biomimicry in the case of Emirates Towers Metro Station in Dubai 633