ZEMCH 2015 - International Conference Proceedings | Page 400

consumption of natural resources. Population pressure has significant effect on environmental degradation and therefore, it is vital to provide a good strategic sustainable practice to enhance the economy of Indonesia without pushing the envelope of environmental issues. In summary; achieving sustainable development, is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Youth education, employment opportunities and empowerment are the key factors to the future development. References JOHNSON, T., 2009, Deforestation and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Council on Foreign Relations. Retrieved on 17 August 2014. INDONESIAINVESTMENTS.COM, 2014. Poverty in Indonesia - Indonesian Urban and Rural Poverty - GINI | Indonesia Investments. Retrieved on 22 August 2014. WORLD BANK, 2014, East Asia & Pacific - World Bank and Environment in Indonesia. retrieved on 30 April 2014. BRINEY, A., 2014, Geography of Indonesia - Learn Geographic Facts About Indonesia. About.com Geography. retrieved on 1 May 2014. JOHNSON, T., 2009, Deforestation and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Council on Foreign Relations. retrieved on 17 August 2014. KNUDSON, T., 2014, The Cost of the Biofuel Boom: Destroying Indonesia’s Forests: Yale Environment 360 < http://e360.yale. edu/feature/the_cost_of_the_biofuel_boom_destroying_indonesias_forests/2112> retrieved on 5 May 2014. SUNARYO, T., 1992, Environmental problems in Indonesia: A review. International Trends in Crime. East Meets West, pp. 47-52. WRIGHT, R., and BOORSE, D., 2014, Environmental science: Toward a Sustainable Future (12th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. YALE ENVIRONMENT 360, 2014, Illegal Logging in Indonesia Undermines Sustainable Market [online]. [Accessed 5 May 2014]. VALLANCE, S., PERKINS, H., and DIXON, J., 2011, What is social sustainability? A clarification of concepts. Geoforum, 42(3), pp. 342-348. UNITED NATIONS, 2010, Population Facts: Accelerating Achievement of the MDGs by Lowering Fertility. 398 ZEMCH 2015 | International Conference | Bari - Lecce, Italy