ZEMCH 2015 - International Conference Proceedings | Page 118

Figure2: The current rural tourism tours in Fayoum oasis The Sustainable Rural Tourism in Fayoum Oasis: Tunis Village In spite of the existence of three nature reserves in the green Fayoum, villages are very far from being sustainable mainly due to the lack of awareness. Only Tunis village is a special case as it presents the only sustainable rural tourism destination in Fayoum. The village site is very special, located on a hill, surrounded by flat land at the same level of Lake Qaroun, which provides a panoramic view of the region, a mixture of water and greenery natural scenic gives Tunis its distinguished features (Mustafa and Emam 2013). Figure3: Arial view of Tunis village It is located on the western edge of Qaroun Lake, 60 km from the city of Fayoum and 100 km from the capital, Cairo. Tunis was a simple village suffered from low levels of education and poverty for many years. A Swiss woman, Eveline Burie came in on the sixteenths to fulfill a passion in pottery 116 ZEMCH 2015 | International Conference | Bari - Lecce, Italy