zealousness 4 Zealousness Fourth Edition Winter & Spring 2017 | Page 60

There is no chemical formula for air as it is a mixture of many different compounds with varying percentages thereof . The major components would be Nitrogen ( N2 ), Oxygen ( O2 ), Carbon Dioxide ( CO2 ), Water ( H2O ), and many others in minute amounts .



By Matt Cardoso

T he atmosphere is composed of colorless gases . So to see any gas , it must have some color . This only happens when its chemical elements absorb visible light , like the rain-bow in which each of the seven light rays corresponds to a different color . This is how it works : When the atoms of a gas are hit by light they retain some rays . If the particles absorb it , for example , a yellow radius , the pitch of the vapor is set by admixture of the colors of the rays that are left - in this case we would see a purple gas ( Amazing !). But not all rays that make up light are visible - and the ones that we can ’ t see are the ones that the air absorbs . Nitrogen and oxygen - which make up 99 % of the atmos-phere , only retain the invisible ultraviolet rays .

So , like all the colors we see crossing the air , it remains transparent . “ If the atmosphere was formed , for example , by a gas such as iodine vapor , which absorbs visible colors , the air would be violet ,” says chemist Edvaldo Sabadini , Unicamp . Just imagine it !!!!

There is no chemical formula for air as it is a mixture of many different compounds with varying percentages thereof . The major components would be Nitrogen ( N2 ), Oxygen ( O2 ), Carbon Dioxide ( CO2 ), Water ( H2O ), and many others in minute amounts .

60 | ZEALOUSNESS MAGAZINE | Winter / Spring 2017
References : https :// www . quora . com / What-is-the-chemical-formula-of-air http :// scienceline . ucsb . edu / getkey . php ? key = 924 https :// en . wikipedia . org / wiki / Hot _ air _ balloon